Is the RX a joke?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ok, now I have a question for all of you out there. Is the RX a joke?

Are all those posts serious or are they just made up to build or destroy sportsbooks credibility? That is the question.

I am asking this for a simple and clear reason. I am a sports fanatic, a gambler at a lot of online sports gambling website. Now, I saw some weird things posted on the Prescription these days, I would like to clear up.

First of all, I read a lot of childish and stupid posts out there. The first that comes to mind is the post about me. I just joined the RX a day ago. I joinned it because I wanted to give my opinion about sports betting online how the industry has become and what I think of some sites. Now all I see here are negative comments, I see posts about people and their own personal information. I was shocked and disappointed. I saw a person's name address, information and such.

Then I saw a post about me. Me! WHO AM I FOR YOU? What is my name? What do I look like? What do I do for a living? Me!?!

What the hell is this RX about? I thought it was dealing with important issues? What is this about?

I will play the childish game too, I will answer the gentleman that said I gave my information to the RX...

Do you really think it was my real information? Do you really think that I would put my real card number on this website? Do you? Do you?

Man, the RX's managers need to get to work on the forum because this site is loosing all sorts of credibility. So far, I find it lame and not serious at all. Would I really trust a website that is screaming to the world how a sportsbook is not paying customers and then turn right around and accept a publicity deal with them? Look at the RX's front page...Filled with ads of sportsbook you say are scammers? And you trust it?

Or is it the RX's posting people that are shady. A bunch of sportsbook marketers, managers and owners trying to get dummy gamblers interested in their sportsbook products...Could it be just that? I think it could be.

As for me, if you don't like me, or my posts on the RX, that is fine, I am not here to make friends. Don't read what I have to say. I have no time to fight off losers who can't get f*cked.

All this being said, I hope this changes somethings, but if not, it's ok, this site has lost all it's credibility in my book. To know why, please view the post about Win_Win situation.

Until then y'all stay real...One

That Looks Like a WIN-WIN Situation
Hmmmm I had a feeling that you were here just to BASH the Rx.

That post was made about YOU because you posted your ENTIRE Visa credit card number.

If you are a serious gambler etc like you said WHY would you do that and then Threaten to BUST someone's FACE if they BUST your Credit card?

In case you FORGOT here is your B.S. post:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Visa **** **** **** 9888 exp. 07/05
Now try and bust my card, I will bust your face. I am from Port-aux-Prince Haiti. And I'm 26

Small Minds fit into Small Spaces

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It only took you 24 hours or so to figure this place out.

"The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer."
Henry Kissinger

Some of your points are well founded. However, when you have hundreds (and sometimes thousands), of different people participating on any forum, these things that you are disappointed about, always occur...

We are not new to this industry, but you are new to this forum...

We have moderators who truly care about the things that bother you and we all try to make this place better...

So if you stick around, I assure you that you will see there are some very knowledgeable poople, as well as "insiders," who share with one another in the hopes of making offshore sports betting a safer place for all of us...


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Dude, do you or don't you read...

Follow what they say, reading is fundamental...Take my post and read it from the start to the end...

I wont explain anymore...

That Looks Like a WIN-WIN Situation

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thank you Shrink for your reply. I respect the business a lot. The question I have is this...

Is it serious? look at this guy that is trying to fight me here. Let's just say that it doesn't show any form of professionalism from a major player in the gambling industry.

That Looks Like a WIN-WIN Situation
I totally agree with you, so let me start by opening up to you about something more important that effects all of us...

Two days ago, A MAJOR BANK in Costa Rica decided to not allow sports books to conduct business with them any longer and several other banks followed suit...

In response to this lame decision by the banks, many sports books operators are meeting NOW to decide, what, if anything, they can do about this situation...

Leaving Costa Rica is certainly one option that is now being explored by many of the "elite" sports books over there...

Does this effect the safety of gamblers' monies offshore?


The banks in CR have not frozen any monies or assetts but their decision to not allow sports books to conduct their every day business with them is alarming, since they use these banks to pay their employees...

More on this to come as soon as I learn how this meeting went...

Now THIS is the type of stuff you get when you stick around some....

No one is trying to FIGHT you Win Win.

BUT when you post a VISA Credit card number...yours or NOT yours...ANY professional website will edit it, as they do not want legal problems.

Maybe you Guessed a fake number BUT maybe it's someone's REAL account number out there.
If you have LOGIC in you head...USE IT.

My feelings are even STRONGER now after your last post that you are here to BASH THE Rx.

Do you work for MagerWager or?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
for who? What the heck are you talking about? Man, this guy is bothering me a lot, man don't talk to me ok, Go to your post about me and say whatever you want, when you hit puberty holla back at me...Until then, thank you very much for your time and admiration towards me, but too much is like too little...I can't take anymore of this love man. I know you wish you was me, but there can only be one of me. Got to the post you made and go nuts, we will all be interested in reading more about it...

And to Shrink, yeah, I hear talks of that a few weeks back from a sportsbook. They closed us because of that, I will not mention who, in fear of getting hated on..

That Looks Like a WIN-WIN Situation

New member
Sep 21, 2004
ahhh Shrink,

what the hell are you talking about?

the books in CR are not suppose to keep their customers monies in CR anyway. The books in CR are allowed to have a bank account in CR to use to pay their local bills ONLY (payroll, rent, phone...)

when did this change?
You just keep digging your FOOLS HOLE a little deeper. And WHo is "We" you keep talking about?
You have someone else in that head of yours???


By the way I have Cowboy Boots older than you

Calm Down...

I never said that any customer's monies were kept in local banks, but rather, I said " THEIR EMPLOYEES monies (payroll)", which is a fact!

Come back when you finish high school, if thats possible. At that time you may have figured out how to spell and write. I know the schools in the Big Easy are slightly behind times but you just need to apply yourself a litle more, you know pick up a book and learn something. Have a nice life, wannabe gangster. You are the joke.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I am so happy to see that my post was well founded.

Look Shrink. Look at all these replys right here. Read with me. As they told me, I am right back in Junior High. You know how the nerds would always try and hate on the popular kids cuz they are not getting as much attention as them. Guys, please, don't hate on the player, hate the game.

It's not for you. You look like someone crapped in your bowl of cereal. Put a smile on your face.

Take this less seriously guys. It is not gonna bring you fame or money. It's just an annonymous post in a website. Give it up guys. Come on it's not funny anymore. Go on that guys post and blast me, let those fine people read serious stuff.

Please, I ask if the RX is serious, and you kill it's credibility even more. Damn guys...Stop that you are the ones trying to down the RX. Not me...

With Love,

Your Idol, Win_Win_Situation

PS: Stay Yourselves and Stay Positive!!!

That Looks Like a WIN-WIN Situation

New member
Sep 20, 2004

I have a ? for you, I see you refer to we when responding to shrink. Whom may I ask is we ?

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